- August 10, 2023
When Tammy married she felt she was leaving her life of poverty behind! Unfortunately, when the economy took a dive in February 2006, her husband was laid off from his construction job and they were forced to make a tough decision to downsize much of what they owned so he could go back to school. Then in February of 2008, she received the dreaded news that her employer, Trio Manufacturing (a textile factory in Forsyth Georgia), was closing due to the decline in the textile industry. She wondered “What are we going to do?”, “Where do I turn?”… Then the Georgia Rapid Response Team (a team of professionals which includes individuals from the Department of Labor, Workforce Development, and other support organizations that provide assistance to a company(ies) that are closing or laying off a large number of workers), in conjunction with the Middle Georgia Consortium came to the plant to discuss options for the displaced employees of Trio Manufacturing. Tammy stated “For the first time since hearing the news about the closure, I had hope.” It was now time for Tammy to make a decision. She was torn between finishing her education now that she may have monetary support or attempt to find another job which may or may not have benefits. Tammy felt that she needed a job with good benefits. Tammy chose to attend Macon State College and finish her degree in Business Management. This option was made possible because of the Middle Georgia Consortium. While in school, Tammy’s husband had two emergency heart surgeries so she knows through personal experience the importance of medical insurance. Accolades! Tammy finished in the top five percent of her class. She is currently working in the 638 Supply Chain Management Section at Robins Air Force Base as a GS-7 with a projected promotion to GS-9 in June 2011. She is currrently making around $36,000.00 as a GS-7 and her projected salary at a GS-9 will be approximately $48,000.00. Tammy stated, “All this was possible because of the opportunities that were available to me through the Middle Georgia Consortium.” Tammy said, “I was once an embarassed little girl hiding the fact that my family needed help to survive. Now, I am a woman with the world at my fingertips. During a very dark hour I was offered a chance to expand my knowledge. I discovered a lifetime of possibilities and of fulfilling dreams that never would have been possible. The Middle Georgia Consortium has not only increased my standard of living, it has empowered me beyond anything I could have ever dreamed about! For this, I thank you. I honestly couldn’t have done it without the Middle Georgia Consortium’s help.”