- August 10, 2023
My journey into the Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) program was amazing, a struggle, and filled with many blessings. Moving here alone and from a different state truly has been a struggle. When I was accepted into the program I was overwhelmed with joy and happiness, but I also had to face the reality that working full-time was not going to be an option anymore. I debated back and forth all the time on whether the program was the right step for me. Fast forward to career day that was mandatory for my classmates and me to attend. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Darrell Stillings from the Middle Georgia Consortium who gave me his contact information and informed me that there were options available to help me pay for school and additional fees. After contacting him, I went in and filled out the appropriate paperwork and within a few days I received an email that I had been approved to receive assistance with funds provided under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). At first I couldn’t believe that this type of help was possible. I will forever be thankful and grateful that this resource and the additional help was available and extended to me. Throughout the remainder of the OTA program, I received assistance to cover the cost of my tuition, books, supplies, board exam fees, and was given transportation assistance to buy gas needed to travel from Warner Robins to Cochran Georgia. I have since graduated with honors from Middle Georgia State University. I can definitely say that without the help from the Middle Georgia Consortium my dreams of becoming an Occupational Therapist would not have been possible. I am more than grateful and blessed for the program and what it has done for me. I would recommend this program to anyone (who meets the program’s eligibility requirements) needing financial assistance in pursuing a career. I am so happy I put aside my pride and emailed Mr. Darrell Stillings, and got the chance to work with Ms. Freeman, my Career Facilitator, to finish this amazing journey that began 2 years ago.